Friday, 29 November 2013

Flume & Chet Faker - Lockjaw EP

Australians Flume and Chet Faker have teamed up to create this Lockjaw EP with three awesome songs. The EP came out on November 26th via Future Classic record label. There's something beautiful about the pair's sounds. Flume's production and Chet Faker's croon seem to mesh really well. They both obviously know how well they can collaborate with each other as Chet Faker was featured on Flume's album in the song Left Alone. My favorite track is the first one Drop The Game. It's the perfect mix of both artists. The mix is undeniably Flume, but the vocals are so smooth, almost bluesy, which is very Chet Faker. What About Us sounds a lot more like a Chet Faker track then the rest. Adding a sax solo towards the end adds another layer to an otherwise great song. For me, the one song that I didn't particularly connect with was the last track, This Song is Not About a Girl. It didn't really feel like a typical Flume song, or a Chet Faker song for that matter. But that's not the reason why I'm not feeling it. It's the one song on the EP that I would probably skip. But I don't wanna end on a low note, so I'm gonna conclude by saying that if you're a Flume or Chet fan, then check this EP out and see for yourself. Seriously good music is coming out of Australia recently. Let's hope that continues to grow!

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