Thursday, 28 November 2013

Underground Series - Electric Mantis

If I was to predict that any underground artist will make it big as of right now, it would be 20 year old Electric Mantis hands down. I would gladly bet the little money I have on him. With the release of his song Flips and Flops, Drips and Drops just over a week ago, I feel like this guy will shoot to fame pretty quick. Stalking his Facebook page, he also seems like a real humble guy, which makes this even better. I actually discovered this track on S Y Z Y G Y, a YouTube channel that finds a lot of great underground songs. It's such an awesome electric feel-good kinda song. Since summer's coming in the Southern Hemisphere, i'm gonna be putting this song on a playlist along with other electric faves of mine.
I will of course link the song down below for you to check out. Also, follow him on SoundCloud to never miss a track.

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