Saturday, 30 November 2013

Black Friday Listening

In New Zealand we don't celebrate Black Friday, nor do we have Thanksgiving. But this year I feel like i'm on that Black Friday bandwagon, because of the ridiculous amount of online shopping I've been doing. I mean come on, who can resist 40-80% off. No one, let's be honest. So, okay, today I thought I would find a couple of playlists for you to listen to while online shopping or while driving madly around town to find the best deals.
First up is a playlist that Baauer has just released. It's his Remixes playlist, which includes his You & Me Disclosure remix as well as Rollup. You can check it out below.

The next is a set which Kaytranada performed at BBC1 radio station.

And last but most certainly not least, is the album which I've been constantly going back to since its release, Flume's deluxe. I know I've done a short blog post on it already, here, but I just wanted the tracks to go this post too okay?
Anyways, you can listen to the mixtape right here.

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