Wednesday, 3 July 2013

June Music Favorites

  • This month I have been obsessed with New Zealand's rising star Lorde. Her music is very minimalist, in that the accent is placed more on the vocals rather than the accompaniment. If you've never heard of her, I strongly suggest you check her out.

Below I have her Love Club Ep for you to listen to. Enjoy.

  • Also I have re-kindled my love with Spotify and I have been listening to the Bilboard Hot 100 playlist every day since, as well as some other alternative/ indie playlists. 
  • This cover by Lindsey Sterling and Penatonix of Radioactive by Imagine Dragons blew my mind. It's ingenious and was on replay for a good portion of the month. 
  • Speaking of covers, I was very late on the Fifth Harmony band wagon, but my friend showed me this cover of Justin Timberlake's Mirrors, with Boyce Avenue and I was obsessed. Honestly, I think it's better than the original, and that's saying something. 
  • Last but not least, I discovered a new band this month called LBN667. To be honest, I can't really place them in one genre because they have a lot of different components going on, but I'll try to describe their sound to the best of my abilities. LBN667's sound is a sort of hip hop instrumental with a bit of a relaxed electronic twist to it. There are very few words in the songs, some have no words whatsoever, so it is very relaxing music. Last month I used it to keep me company while I studied for my tests. You can hear their album Belonger right here.
I hope you have enjoyed some of the music I've linked and here's to next moth being as musically good as this one!

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